| Foreground: Downtown including York St, Royal Bank building, Covent Garden market construction, the forks of the Thames, Bell building, Court House, Federal Building (home of Industry Canada). |
| Foreground: Canada Trust-Huron and Erie building, 200 & 201 Queens Ave, and the old Bell building. Background: Old Federal Building, Old Oak Towers. Distant Horizon: Cherry Hill apartments. |
| Foreground: Church at Queens and Waterloo, Four Seasons apartments. |
| Foreground: Dundas St, London Towers apartment complex, Colborne St apartments. |
| Foreground: Thames Valley Ambulance, London Free Press, CN Rail tracks. |
| Foreground: CN Rail tracks, Horton St Background: Old Victoria Hospital. |
| Foreground: CN underpass on Wellington Rd. |
| Foreground: Old Post Office, CN building. Background: Labatt's. Distant Horizon: Winery Hill. |
| Bottom to Top: Old Court House, Thames River, Wharncliffe bridge, Greenway pollution plant, Riverside and Wonderland road apartments. |
| Center: 1 Grosvenor apartment, Mill and Richmond St apartments. Background: University of Western Ontario. |
| See why London is called the "Forest City".
Center-Right: Intersection of Wellington Rd & Front St. Greenspace in Top-Left: Parkwood Hospital. Distant Horizon-Right: Regina Mundi High School, 11km from the repeater site. |